Code of conduct
- All Members, including Members of the Governing Body [as defined under Article 5, Sec 5(a) of the Constitution] shall abide by and uphold the BAGC Constitution, By-Laws, and current Code of Conduct. Additionally, this Code of Conduct will be applicable to all Committees and Groups under the umbrella of BAGC as specified in the following paragraphs.
- Members must respect the integrity and dignity of all other BAGC members. The Governing Body Members shall be respectful of all Members and shall in no way prevent or stop free communication to and from other Members/ Committee Members on social media or Email platforms unless the contents are demeaning and offensive to other Members or violates the BAGC Email Guidelines.
- Members of all committees must adhere to the roles and responsibilities stated in the constitution. All committees must conform to the standard as well as ad-hoc reporting requirements defined to manage risk to BAGC, as well as ensure regulatory requirements.
- A member’s behavior and actions reflect BAGC’s reputation. Members must behave legally, responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which shall not harm, cause embarrassment or injure the
reputation of BAGC, its governing body, participants or sponsors or jeopardize BAGC’s 501(c)3 status. - Members shall not share or disclose to outside organizations any information about BAGC and its members, in any form, e.g., written, electronic, social media, and verbal, etc. that is not already publicly available.
- Members are encouraged to voice their opinions, requirements, and suggestions to the BAGC Governing Body. Members must treat other members, guests, staff of venues and other patrons with respect and courtesy.
- Members must disclose any potential conflict of interest, financial or otherwise and shall recuse themselves from any discussion and vote in that matter. Members of the Governing Body shall take appropriate action if any conflict of interest is identified.
- Members shall not share any BAGC information, property, and equipment with any new, existing, or competing Organization without prior authorization from the Executive Committee.
- Members shall not publicize emails, videos, pictures, and other documents on social media that are distasteful, and do not uphold the integrity and dignity of BAGC and its members.
- Members shall not harass, demean, cause reputational damage or harm to other BAGC members physically, verbally at BAGC events, BAGC electronic platforms or in any social media platforms. Members shall not damage any BAGC property or cause direct or indirect liabilities for BAGC.
- Members must report in writing any inappropriate behavior of other member(s) to the (Executive Committee or Board of Trustees) of BAGC for further consideration and action.
- Members must obey the event-specific Code of Conduct which may be occasionally issued by the Executive Committee.
- Any motion to be voted on in the GBM must be shared with the members via email a month in advance of the GBM.
- Only members in good standing can vote for a motion using a secret ballot.
- The motions to be voted on with their language must be finalized 15 days prior to the GBM, after being vetted by the By Laws Committee and it's mandatory to vote on each of these motions in the GBM. Adequate time must be given in the GBM to process and vote on all motions.
Breach of BAGC Code of Conduct, Decision Process and
Disciplinary Action:
- Any member not behaving in accordance with the terms of the Code of Conduct at any BAGC event may be asked to leave and will not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid. Members of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for making this decision.
- Any inappropriate behavior or potential violation committed by a member or committees will be investigated and discussed by the BAGC Board of Trustees and Elected Officers of the Executive Committee. On completion of the investigation, if the Specific Violation is proven, an appropriate course of action will be determined by the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee, and the resulting decision will be forwarded to the By-Law Committee to review compliance with the BAGC Constitution. The Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee must complete its investigation and determine course of action within 20 days of receipt of written complaint. Once the decision on course of action has been determined, the General Body Members will be notified of the decision.
In the exceptional situation that the Code of Conduct Violation concerns members of the Board of Trustees and/or the Executive Committee, in a manner that they are not fit to resolve the matter, the following steps should be taken:- The members will recuse themselves from any Decision-Making Process for the Code of Conduct Violation.
- An Advisory Conduct Review Committee (which will be temporary), shall be formed as per the details provided below.
- The recommendation of this committee will be advisory in nature.
- The Advisory Conduct Review Committee will be dissolved once the Code of Conduct violation decision making process is complete and appropriate action taken.
Development and Implementation of the Code of Conduct[COC]
- The COC is an “operational document” and may be updated and modified, as necessary.
- The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the suggested modifications to the COC. The Bylaws Committee shall publish and distribute the suggested modifications to the BAGC Members for their evaluation and consideration and seek comments. The minimum comment period shall be 15 days
- Members may submit changes that they feel are appropriate in writing to the Board of Trustees who will then forward it to the Bylaws Committee for review.
- Members of the Governing Body may submit changes based on the prevailing needs.
- The Bylaws Committee shall collaborate closely with the author(s) of the suggested modification(s) to incorporate the comments received.
- The author(s) of the suggested modification may accept or reject the comment(s) received.
- Bylaws Committee shall then publish the latest version of the suggested modification(s), showing the document with the redlined [tracked] changes.
- Bylaws Committee at its discretion may continue this iterative process of soliciting comments and revising accordingly.
- The “final” version of the suggested modifications must thereafter be presented to all BAGC Members for their approval.
- The Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee shall work in close cooperation to facilitate the voting process.
- A minimum period of 15 days must be allowed to seek and receive votes from a larger segment of the members.
- Upon approval, the Bylaws Committee shall post the updated and latest version of the COC on the BAGC website.
Advisory Conduct Review Committee Selection Guidelines (Required only under exceptional circumstance defined in Decision Process Item #2)
- The Advisory Conduct Review Committee shall consist of five Members, one Member from the Board of Trustees, one Member from the By Laws Committee and three Members from the General Membership.
- The By Laws Committee Member shall be Chairman of the Advisory Conduct Review Committee.
- Three additional Members will be selected from the Membership as per the following criteria:
- Individual must be a member in good standing and a Member of BAGC for 5 consecutive years.
- The Member should not be serving on any current Committee
- The Member should have served in the Governing Body for at least one year.
- The General Members for this Committee will be selected from different geographic regions as defined in Section 10b.
- The Advisory Conduct Review Committee will be dissolved after the issue at hand has been completely processed.