BAGC 2024 Nomination Process

Committee Details

The Executive Committee nominees shall be identified as a slate (elected in whole, not individually) headed by the Presidential nominee. The Presidential nominee chooses Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chair Person for Banga Bhavan, and various Members at large. The term of the office is one calendar year (January 1 to December 31). The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association. All members shall be in good standing.

There are two (2) open seats with term of office for three (3) years. BOT is an oversight body of the Association directly representing the General Body. Candidates shall be at least 35 years of age and a member in good standing a minimum of 10 consecutive years. They shall also have served at least one term as an elected officer position in BAGC or have demonstrated sustained, documented activity and leadership in BAGC for at least 15 years.

Instructions for submitting nomination forms

All Nomination Forms are attached in pdf format.
Please fill in full name, email address etc. along with required number of nominations from members in good standing as instructed in the form.

EC Nomination Form 2023

Click to Download

BOT Nomination Form 2023

Click to Download

We strongly recommend all those who want to submit nomination to read through 'BAGC Constitution' (link provided below), where all the requirements are explained in great details.

BAGC Constitution

Click to Download

Deadline for Submitting Nomination:

Per Article 4, Section 4b, paragraph 5 of BAGC Constitution the deadline to submit a Standard Nomination Form to the Nomination Committee shall be one month prior to the regularly scheduled Annual General Body Meeting or no later than the last day of Durga Puja, whichever is later in the calendar year.

The deadline for submitting the nomination is October 12, 2022.

All forms should be returned to the Nomination Committee Chair (Sudipta Sengupta

If you have any question please email or call Sudipta Sengupta.

Best Regards

Nomination Committee 2023


Mita Bose
Sanchita Dev
Aditi Ghosh
Soumya Ghosh Hazra
Sudipta Sengupta (Chair) Phone:6309089827